Crowborough Grand Prix, 21th September 2024

Everyone you see at our events is a volunteer; so thanks to Headline Results U11 Minor U11 Major Pos Name Score Pos Name Score 1st Spriha Punjabi 6 1st Magnus Gomez 5 2nd Harry Kotlarzewski 4.5 2nd Aviraj Bhaduri    5 3rd Gabrielle Bermingham 4 3rd Benjamin Carter 4 U18 Minor U18 Major Pos Name Score Pos …

Sussex vs Wales in Usk

The Welsh National U18 team requested another tournament against England players and on Saturday, 13th July, 2024, a team from Sussex headed to Usk to play  their best and brightest local chess players. Ian Eustis, Manager of Wales was there with his team:  Yaroslav Sharhorodsky; Adam Sarwar; Otto Bartlett-Davis; Constantine Popov; Lucas Zheng; Danylo Shevchenko; Ethan …