Looking for a weekly club in your area? There are chess clubs in most of the larger Sussex towns. Here we attempt to list those that we are aware cater specifically for juniors. It isn’t an exhaustive list – if your club isn’t listed please get in touch.
This listing of junior-friendly clubs is provided on a best endeavours basis – you should always contact the club direct before travelling.
Club night: Wednesdays
Contact: Callum Brewer
Club night: Fridays
Contact: David Fryer
Burgess Hill Junior Chess Club
Club night: Tuesday
Contact: Peter Barton bhjchess@gmail.com

East Grinstead Bookshop Chess Club
Club night: Tuesdays, Sunday mornings
Contact: John Pye
Hastings & St Leonards
Club night: Fridays
Contact: Mark Brougham and Keith Hossack
Club night: Tuesdays
Contact: Anthony Higgs
Club night: Wednesdays
Contact: Brian Stockham
Worthing Knights
Club night: Thursdays
Contact: David Graham