Our traditional warm-up to the EPSCA County Championships took place at the Bexhill Training Day on 5th March.
The match was very close – the girls won the first round by 2 points, but the under 9s fought back to take round 2 by 3 points!

Under 9 Boys:
Arthur Ashcroft, George Brown, Udayraj Dutta, Magnus Gomez, Ritva Mittal, Tom Pakianathan, Mark Shchepinov, Nathanael Waller, Jinzhe (Thomas) Yang, Hongqi Zhang

Under 11 Girls:
Rose Burgess, Charlotte Chan, Elphaba Engler, Lola Finlay, Willow Grout, Christiane Langlotz, Eileen Mommsen, Ekaterina Panchenko, Marcy Page, Rhiannon Page. Spriha Punjabi, Myrto Vermot, Nefeli Vermot, Isabella Walsh