Bruce Dienes Awards, Great Walstead, 10th June 2017
The season closes with the Under-7 Championships and final training day. This is also where we make the final awards of the season – the Bruce Dienes Cup and associated awards. Bruce was a chess player, parent, and Chairman of Sussex Junior Chess until his untimely death in 2006.
Established in 2010, the ethos of the Bruce Dienes awards is to recognise those who have demonstrated long term committment and perseverence to their chess, often in the face of adversity, coupled with sportsmanship which has resulted in steady improvement over time.
The 2017 winners are:-
Bruce Dienes Cup 2017 – Lilya Stewart
Bruce Dienes Awards 2017 – Peter Crosby, Theo Hall, Aywin Lau, Daniel Longley, Bridie O’Leary, Evie Seddon and Max Wilton
This award ceremony is traditionally followed by our light hearted end of season simultaneous where the children take on the combined might of the coaches who numbered an International Master and a FIDE Master amongst their ranks.
ex-Sussex Junior, now IM Thomas Rendle, at the simul |