Colin Harding 1941 – 2015

Colin was a great supporter of chess in Sussex.
Colin first joined Great Walstead school as a teacher in 1972 and continued to be part of the school community for 43 years, giving up many evenings and weekends to take teams, tutor and coach keen Chess players. The school credit the success they have enjoyed at chess to be down to his enthusiasm and drive.
He was involved in the creation of Sussex Junior Chess in the early 1990s and remained very active in retirement both at the school and at our events.
The Colin Harding Cup
Colin donated the trophy in 2009 to be awarded to the winning Under-8 School Team at the Sussex Under-8 Championships in the Autumn.
After his death in 2015 the trophy was rededicated as the Colin Harding Cup. It is fitting that the winners in both 2009 and 2015 were Great Walstead school where Colin put so much time and effort into the chess club.